American Golf Corporation
American Golf is the preferred golf course provider for CGA events. Benefits for CGA events using courses run by American Golf include discounted greens fees, free golf certificates, and more.
CGA and American Golf rewards These certificates are available as prizes at all CGA events.
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Golf World
Stay in Step with the Pro's Week after week with the games #1 Newsweekly.
Enjoy a full year subscription to Golf World as part of your registration in the National Collegiate Golf Championship!
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Visual Creations
Visual Creations has been serving Universities and fundraising golf tournaments since 1994. We manufacture custom Tournament Sponsor Plaques and Awards. Personal service and attention to quality details is our motto. Let us help improve your sponsor retention year after year.
Sell Sheet - About our high quality plaques.
Sample Layouts - Some of the basic layouts used for the plaques.
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Explore Nike.com for the latest in Nike shoes, clothing and gear. Shop Nike's official online store for sportswear direct from Nike
CGA members and selected participants receive CGA NIKE Wholesale pricing. Email info@cgagolflinks.com for more info.
Nike Website
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1st & 10th Tee Energy Bars
SCNS Sports Foods is the master distributor of the 1st Tee and 10th Tee golf bars, the number one brand of nutrition and energy bars in golf. The bars help players sustain energy and maintain focus throughout their round. 1st Tee and 10th Tee golf bars are sold in over 2,000 golf courses and golf retail locations across the US. Look for them at your next NCGC Local Qualifier and at a golf course near you!"
SCNS Sports Foods Website
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Contact Us
Matt Weinberger is the President of the NCCGA. Contact him at nccgapresident@gmail.com. Robert Powell is the Vice President/Treasurer.
"We are excited to be working with the NCCGA to continue to grow the game of golf on college campuses. The NCCGA provides a valuable competitive structure for college golfers and combined with the current CGA programs we feel there are great Synergies between the two organizations."
Mike Munson
President, CEO
Collegiate Golf Alliance
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Technogym’s mission since its inception in 1984 has been to “design and manufacture innovative solutions to foster the physical and psychological wellbeing of people and enhance the quality of life through physical activity.”
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