- Tournament Entry Fees: In order to reduce the entry fees for students try a few of these suggestions.
Tiered system of entry fees- if the cost is $50/player –charge Students $30, Faculty/ Staff $50, and Alumni $75
Ask the golf course for 10% discounted green fee for your student entries
Include an entry package that includes sponsoring a student team
Regular $150 entry for a team- Add a team package that includes sponsorship of student team; $150+$100 student team entry=$250- 1 student team plays for free
Add a package that includes two golfers and a Tee sign $150 +$100=$250
Ask if players company has a matching funds program- NIRSA Foundation is the charity – 1 entry paid and one to pay for a 2nd
Entry fees does not have to make up the entire revenue to cover costs
Sponsorship: Reach out to the community, the venders that you do business with. Remember there are people that like to give back
Title, Presenting, Cart sponsor, Contest sponsor, Tee sign sponsors
Contest and Hole in One Sponsors
Tee sign sponsor- $100, cost is about $20- net $80
Ask Student government or Student Affairs Student Development for a Sponsorship/donation toward the NIRSA Foundation
Ask the Alumni Office for a $500 sponsorship to fund the winning Alumni team to Travel to Vegas
Ask the Faculty/ Staff Club for a $500 sponsorship to fund the winning Alumni team to Travel to Vegas
Travel sponsor- Sponsor the winning team(s) entry to NCGC Finals $550
Reduction of Cost:
Golf course off peak times- no shotgun, no Weekends,
Ask course if you can piggyback on another small tournament
Secure a donated lunch
Secure donated Beverages
Tee bag items donated or at cost
Volunteers- students or the Men's or Women's club at the course
Revenue Ideas :
Raffle- Goals is to get $10-$20 additional out of each player
Silent Auction- Set minimum bids on items- Goal $500
Contests- $5-10 per contests can raise and additional $10-$25 per player
5-5-5, hit the green, beat the Pro, Putting Contest
Red Bull Final 5- Charge a $10/team entry
50%-50% Skins, Poker |